
Over 30 years of experience in Agroculture

Founded in 1992 as a collection point for fruits and vegetables in Maminas, Durrës, Agro Koni Agroculture soon managed to spread its activity throughout Albania.
Seeds and Seedlings

Habitant interdum si finibus nascetur platea eu nullam

Agricultural Inputs

Habitant interdum si finibus nascetur platea eu nullam

Biological Control

Habitant interdum si finibus nascetur platea eu nullam

Technical Advice

Habitant interdum si finibus nascetur platea eu nullam

About Us

Founded in 1992 as a collection point for fruits and vegetables in Maminas, Durrës, Agro Koni Agroculture  soon managed to spread its activity throughout Albania. In 2007, Agro Koni becomes part of the seedling production. Working with prestigious seed production firms like Sakata, Hazera, Esasem, etc., it gradually becomes a leader in seedling production.

Technology of grafting melon and cucumber
In 2010, farmers were introduced to the technology of grafting melon and cucumber, while in 2017 the technology of grafting of tomatoes, peppers and eggplant was introduced, which brings farmers protection from many diseases and an increase in yield.
Technology of bee pollination
In 2013, Agro Koni introduces to the Albanian farmer the technology of bee pollination (bombus terrestris), which for farmers is a passport of production quality.
Cooperation with the company Novades Agricolas
Agro Koni will begin working with the Spanish firm Novades Agricolas in 2019 to provide contemporary, high-tech greenhouses to Albanian farmers in an effort to help them meet European standards for quality and safety in production. The same year, Agro Koni establishes its R/D division in Maminas, where it tests novel varieties and biological pest control techniques. ​
Completes the entire production cycle for farmers
Today, Agro Koni completes the entire production cycle for farmers, from seeds and seedlings to chemical fertilizers, plasma for greenhouse cover and products for biological control.
Why Choose Us


Est placerat volutpat ultricies porta maximus lobortis arcu at pretium eu nunc.

Greenhouses for seedlings

Greenhouses for R / D and output

Tons of fruits and vegetables exported

Agro Koni's Complete Farming Solution.

Today, Agro Koni completes the entire production cycle for farmers, from seeds and seedlings to chemical fertilizers, plasma for greenhouse cover and biological control products.

Article & News

Aplikimi dhe Përfitimi i Bletës Pjalmuese në Serra
Aplikimi dhe Përfitimi i Bletës Pjalmuese në Serra – Video Praktike

Një serrë e higjenizuar mirë minimizon trajtimet kimike duke ndikuar drejtpërdrejtë në koston e prodhimit.
Fidanishtja është e krijuar enkas me kushtet e përshtatshme, të cilat sigurojnë rritjen e një fidani cilësor dhe të shëndetshëm.
Cilat janë teknikat e shartimit të domates?
Ekzistojnë një larmishmëri metodash për të shartuar bimën e domates. Më poshtë jane paraqitur tre metodat më të përdorura.
Kontrolli i lagështisë dhe temperaturës në serrë
Video praktike ka për qëllim të tregojë se si të kontrollojmë temperaturën dhe lageshtinë në serrat tradicionale.
Kontrolli kundër nematodave të gjinisë Meloidogyne ssp. në serra ka rëndësi të veçantë e vendimtare për prodhimin e perimeve.